The existence of extractive industry (mining, palm, and forest) grow massively in Sanggau District, especially in Tayan Hilir, has been narrowed the territories managed by indigenous people. Swandiri Institute analyzed that the total wide of concessions (mining, palm, and forest) in Tayan Hilir are wider than that the large it area.

Director of Swandiri Institute Hermawansyah in the discussion aboutr “Looking for A Way for Indigenous People in The Middle of Extractive Industry Siege” last (12/10) said, of the Tayan Hilir’s wide 199.502 Ha, the large of concession (mining, palm, and forest) around 140.013 Ha. “In other words, 117% of subdistrict wide of subsdistrict, is dominated by industries, consists of: 10 mining licenses, 9 palm licences, and 1 forest license.”

Besides that, existence of this industries have not support the increasing of people prosperity. Villages around these industries are still difficult to access public services, such as water, electricity, and infrastructure of roads.

According to Mahir Takaka, special stuff of Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN) said, that it need to use FPIC (Free Prior Informed Consent) as an instrument when a program/investation will enter the area of indigenous people. It has been right for indigenous people to know/well informed before the program/investation enter their territories, and based on the information they freely to agree or not. “Oftentime, mining company, palm, and forest just give socialization, not for ask their approval,” said Mahir Takaka.

The regional regulation of spatial plans of West Kalimantan no.10/2014 determine Tayan Hilir as Mining Industry Area. For ensure the people’s right not violated, people of Dayak Tobak supported by Swandiri Institute urge House Representative of Sanggau to drafting Regional Regulation on Recognition and Protection Indigenous People. Also urge to provide revenue sharing mechanism from district to villages impacted by mining industry.

They also promote the environment and violation of law aspects as consideration deciding the Clear and Clean (CnC) status of mining companies. Currently, the CnC status given to companies that fulfill the requirements in administrative (own of tax ID number), and not overlaping areas.

And related to damage of Lake Semenduk, they will sue and ask for compensation (class action) to the companies that damage environment and people around mining.
