Policy reform in extractive industry has significant role in promote sustainable development goals, but the challenges are not a few. Therefore PWYP Indonesia held panel discussion in CSO Day Open Government Partnership (OGP) Summit in Mexico last (27/10).

Rizky Ananda, Manager of Openness and Extractive Governance PWYP Indonesia, said that 80% of poor people in Indonesia are come from rich extractive resource areas. Besides that, six hectares of illegal mining license are located in protected forest and conservation forest. “Illegal mining has ruined millions hectares of forest that have important role in absorb the greenhouse gases,” added Rizky.

Rizky told about PWYP Indonesia and Swandiri Institute working experience in Sanggau, West Kalimantan in using the spatial data taken by drone. This spatial data is used to advocate the forest management by Dayak Tobak indigenous people.

“Both of system, regulation, and digital application, these should place the community as a main focus. The governance that focus on community is able to guarantee the role of extractive industry in raising the quality of people life. Therefore, openness and transparency are needed,” said Rizky.

Other panelist, Allan Barnacha from Bantay Kita Filipina told about community involvement in extractive governance in Filipina, through implementing the Free, Prior, Informed, and Consent (FPIC). “Although there is a clear legal protection, the FPIC implementation is not optimal yet. It is due to lack of capacity the local community,” said Allan.

Jessica Webb, researcher of World Resource Institute responded from environment view. Jesica highlighted that the environment standards in extractive industry are still minimum, and the deforestation and environmental degradation are still massive caused by mining activity.

“With openness of data and information, community involvement and good implementation of environment standards, the extractive sector should be able give contribution in achieve the global agenda, sustainable development goals,” said Isabel Munila from Oxfam America, as moderator, in closing discussion.
