Strengthening institutional capacity cannot be separated from the contribution of human resources (HR) as the main agent of the organization. Therefore, leadership transition has an essential role in the balance of management and organizational culture. Through the General Meeting of Members (RUA), PWYP Indonesia elected the National Coordinator and Advisory Board for the 2020-2024 period. The change of leadership is carried out directly and through online media Zoom (25/09/20).

Aryanto Nugroho, Candidate for National Coordinator, conveyed his vision and mission to strengthen Indonesia’s PWYP movement in the future. The missions described include: First, to encourage capacity building to strengthen levels and build solidarity with civil society movements at the local, national, regional, and global levels to manage extractive resources and other natural resources that are transparent, accountable, fair, inclusive. And fair. Second, encourage and develop equitable, inclusive, and sustainable public policy and campaign models along the extractive resource value chain and other natural resources. Third, build and develop research, data, and information knowledge centers in the extractive resources sector and other natural resources. Fourth, strengthen the capacity of state institutions, both at the center and in the regions, in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of policies in the natural resources sector. Fifth, build and develop the independence of the civil society movement. Lastly, develop and strengthen organizational governance to lead a democratic, fair, and inclusive change transition. The appointment of Aryanto Nugroho as the national coordinator is written in Decree No. 10/RUA IV/PWYP Indonesia/2020.

The PWYP Indonesia travel movement is currently in the stage of strengthening the organization. Proven and independent assets and institutions, solid coalition members, alumni network, as well as a good track record and branding are PWYP’s strengths to encourage public policy reform and social change. Of course, some challenges must be faced, such as the increasingly narrow space for civil society and the ongoing pandemic. Optimization through a strategic work plan in line with the ideal leadership transition is considered crucial to continue the work of PWYP Indonesia for the next period.

An overview of PWYP Indonesia’s work after the leadership transition was also presented by the elected National Coordinator, Aryanto Nugroho. The performance description points include the formulation of an adaptive and measurable PWYP Indonesia strategic plan; increasing and developing the capacity of human resources and coalition institutions, including the security aspect in it; establishment and development of a business incubator center; strengthening research and knowledge management centers; strengthening research-based campaigns and advocacy and coalition member participation; and take an increasingly strategic role and action in extractive sector advocacy at the local, national, regional and global levels.

The RUA also holds an Advisory Board election to maintain and connect aspirations between coalition members and the national coordinator. In the process, the candidate for the steering body conveys an introduction and concentration on interest. The decision-making of the Advisory Board is based on the verification document sent by each candidate for the steering body, which will then be counted. Based on Decree No. 09/RUA IV/PWYP Indonesia/2020 stipulates the names of the selected PWYP Indonesia steering bodies for the 2020-2024 period, namely:

  • Natalia Soebagjo, as Member and Chairperson of the Advisory Board of PWYP Indonesia
  • Agung Budiono, as Member and Secretary of the Advisory Board of PWYP Indonesia
  • Asmadi, as a Member
  • Dadang Trisasongko, as a Member
  • Dakelan, as a Member
  • Wasingatu Zakiyah, as a Member
  • Murdani, as a Member

The elected steering body will carry out several tasks, one of which is providing strategic considerations for organizational development, supervising the implementation of the PWYP Indonesia National Secretariat activities in advocacy, campaigning, research, fundraising strategies, and reporting the results of its supervision to coalition members. In addition, the elected Advisory Board also has the authority to approve work plans and annual budgets and evaluate the performance of the PWYP Indonesia Secretariat.

Through this leadership transition, the National Coordinator and the Advisory Board are expected to maintain and even improve the performance and credibility of PWYP Indonesia in promoting governance improvements in the extractive sector and other natural resources.

Author: Chitra Regina Apris & Meliana Lumbantoruan
