Jakarta (27/05/2015) – EITI Implementation Team approved Sukrisno, Sarwoko, Sandjaja (Public Accounting Firm) as the Independent Administrator for preparation of the third report EITI Indonesia (2012-2013) after going through an open bidding process in Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs on May, 26th 2015. The Forum also approved the work plan Independent Administrator (IA) to prepare EITI report within a concentrated period for 22 weeks with a deadline for submission of the final report, dated October 24th, 2015.
IA was given the opportunity to present the preliminary draft inception report as a reference in the preparation of template reconciliation and contextual reports, which were related to the amount of the reporting entity for the Oil and Gas: Operator 67 (2012) & 72 (2013); Non-Operator 81 (2012) & 85 (2013), Government Agencies (Directorate General of Taxation, Director General of Oil and Gas, Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force), the amount of the reporting entity for Mining: Company 76 (2012) and 99 (2013) and government institutions (Directorate General of Taxation, Director General of Mineral and Coal , Director General of Non-tax Revenues).
IA said that in general the baseline for inception report draft is TOR, the results of the scoping study by EY and the New Standard. CSO representatives cautioned that the main reference for preparation of the inception report is the New Standard EITI. IA should also prepare a gap analysis between scoping study EY, draft inception report with the New Standard. Association representatives expressed the problem of differences in the data between the Ministries and Institutions such as production or sales data. The Forum agreed on the draft inception report will be discussed further in the next meeting with the agenda is approval of the final draft inception report.