JAKARTA – Downstreaming of mineral mining materials according to Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia can protect Indonesia’s Natural Resources (SDA). Especially so that there is no over-exploitation.
Indonesian PWYP National Coordinator Maryati Abdullah said, the downstream policy cannot be interpreted as being limited to the prohibition of the export of raw or processed minerals (concentrate). However, it is part of an effort to arrange IUP (Mining Business Licenses), which number in the thousands with the status of Non Clean and Clear (CnC).
“Protecting Indonesia’s natural resources in the present and future. Through the mechanism of increasing the added value of mining products, “he said in Jakarta.
According to him, this policy is very important for Indonesia, which has been dependent on the economy for exports of raw materials. Downstreaming will provide added value to the industry which consequently increases state revenues, tax revenues and non-tax state revenues.
“The Value Added Policy is one of the promises in the Jokowi-JK Governance Program’s Nawa Cita. So that the government’s consistency is very much needed in its implementation, “he said.
In addition, he continued, the government must not ignore the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 10 / PUU-X12014 which strengthens the obligations of domestic copper processing and refining and states that the spirit of the Minerba Act is in line with Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. this obligation directly or indirectly provides the greatest benefit for the prosperity of the people.
“So it is clear the choice for the current government. Being submissive and compliant with the provisions of the Minerba Law and the Constitutional Court Decision “concluded Maryati.
In Media, Media Coverage | PWYP Indonesia | September 25th, 2016