JAKARTA – Civil society coalition of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, applaud released of Presidential Instruction No 7/2015 on Action for Prevention and Erradication of Corruption 2015. This instruction is a first anti corruption policy that is signed by Jokowi since its presidential started kast 2014.

The instruction elaborates and implements government regulation (PP) No 55/2012 on National Strategy on Long Term Action Plan of Prevention and Erradication of Corruption 2012-2015. It requires all ministries, cabinet secretary, General Attorney, Chief of Police, Head of Non-Ministrial Agencies, General secretary of High Office, Governors, Regeants and Mayors in Indonesia to collaboratively and comprehensively execute the Action Plan.

National coordinator of PWYP Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah said that this instruction give public a bit of sense that Jokowi’s administration shared similar vision to fight corruption. “ We applaud this presidential instruction and ready to help monitor its implementation, especially in the energy and minerals sector” said Maryati on Sunday (31/5).

The instruction covers 96 points of action which are planned to be implemented in whole year of 2015. Each point has been elaborated into detail action, include responsible agencies and milestones of each activities.

Publish What You Pay record some of the activities that related to energy and minerals such as acceleration for implementing Minerba One Map Indonesia (MOMI), evaluating implemetation of Presidential regulation (Perpres) No. 26 Tahun 2010 regarding Transparency of National/Regional Income from Extractive-Oil, gas, and mining- Industries, Accelerating procurement of basemap of land, transparency of national non-tax revenue from natural resources, study on adjustment of several ministrial regulation in the ministry of energy and mineral resources related to implementation of Mining Law.

“We appreciate MOMI as a positive step to provide transparent licensing system. Thus, it can prevent potential overlapping of license, as well as increase public participation in monitoring existing licenses” said Aryanto, coordinator of advocacy, PWYP Indonesia.

Aryanto also added that evaluation to the presidential regulation on extractive industry transparency (Perpres 26/2010) is relevant given Indonesia’s status in the EITI that is currently “suspended” due to failure to meet deadline of reporting. “ This is ironic, given that we just achieved the compliant status in the end of 2014, which mean we have able to fullfill the global standard” said Aryanto.

Wahyudi, Program Officer for Economic Governance in the Transparency International (TI) Indonesia reminds Jokowi to put urgency on this regulation. “Public will keep eyes on president’s commitment to implement this regulation. We do not want this regulation ended up in the filling cabinet, because lack of political will from government to execute, or absence of penalty for not implementing it.” Said Wahyudi. He added that Indonesia should commit to implement effort to fight corruption, especially since Indonesia has ratified United Nation Convention Againts Corruption (UNCAC) through Law No. 7/2006.

This instruction completed existing efforts on fighting corruption in the extractive sector. For instance, Memorandum of Understanding on action plan for National Movement to Save Indonesia’s Natural Resource between Jokowi, Anti-Corruption Commisioners together with 29 ministries and non-ministrial agencies, and 12 provincial government few months ago.

Aryanto Nugroho, coordinator for advocacy of PWYP Indonesia added that transparency of non-tax revenue from natural resource is relevant with Jokowi’s agenda to boost national target for revenue, and reduce financial loss from the extractive sector. In additon, Aryanto explained, this instruction will create synergy with current effort from Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK) to review the governance of mineral and coal sector through coordinasi and supervision with Energy and Natural Resources Ministry and 31 Provincial government.


Maryati Abdullah

Publish What You Pay Indonesia