C20 Political Statement

We are gathering here today amidst crises and conflicts wrapping our world. It suffices to say that we all share the misery and…

C20 Policy Pack

“During bad circumstances, which is the human inheritance, you must decide not to be reduced. You have your humanity, and you must…

Extractive Industry, Policy Innovations and Civil Society Movement in Southeast Asia

Good governance in extractive industries (EI) and natural resources has played an important role in development, particularly for…

The Role of Coal in the Energy Transition at National Energy Plan

Indonesia’s current energy needs are still high­ly dependent on fossil-based primary energy sources, namely coal, oil and natural…

Indonesia in the Global Value Chain and G20 Cooperation: Increasing Roles to Implementing Sustainability Principles

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on the global economy. World economic growth even reached minus 3.9% (UNCTAD,…


C20 is a platform of Civil Society Organizations around the world to bring forth the political dialogue with the G20. The Civil 20 process involves a…

Coal Production, Export and DMO Effectiveness Control in Encouraging the Energy Transition in Indonesia

Coal is one of the sources of energy and fossil fuels with a large proportion in the national energy mix, reaching 37% (ESDM, 2021).…

A Potrait of State Revenue and Sharing

The natural resources sector continues to be a pillar of both the central and regional economies and governmnet revenues. Natural…

Beneficial Ownership Information Disclosure for Public

The discussion on Beneficial Ownership disclosure has attracted the interest of the government, financial institutions, banks, and…

Virtual Discussion “Mainstreaming EITI towards Governance in Natural Resources Sector”

Virtual discussion "Mainstreaming EITI towards Governance in Natural Resources Sector" by PWYP Indonesia in collaboration with Open Government…