The Recapitulation Results Announcement as Determination of Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Indonesia Implementation Team 2022-2025

The Election Committee for Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Indonesia Implementation Team has decided on three (3) candidates. The voting recapitulation was held on 24…

Announcement of File Verification Results for Candidates for Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Indonesia Implementation Team for the 2022-2025 Period

Based on the results of the meeting of the Committee for the Selection of Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Implementation Team 2022 – 2025 on October 12, 2022, we at this…

Voting Mechanism for the Election of Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Indonesia Implementation Team for the 2022 – 2025 period

Voter Terms: Every member of the Indonesian PWYP coalition is directly/automatically entitled to become a permanent voter. Civil society organizations outside the PWYP Indonesia…

Announcement of Administrative Selection Results for Candidates for Civil Society Representatives for EITI Implementation Team 2022 – 2025

Based on the results of the plenary meeting of the Selection Committee for Candidates for Civil Society Representatives in the EITI 2022-2025 Implementation Team on August 11,…

PWYP Indonesia Internship 2022 [Closed]

PWYP Indonesia a national secretariat of NGO Coalition is looking for youth and fresh graduates to join us on promoting sustainable governance policy and innovative reform in oil,…

Announcement of Film Maker Procurement Winner

Announcement of Film Maker Procurement Winner The Social Accountability on Mining Sector According to the evaluation official of offering letter on 27 May 2021 & The letter…

Grievance Redress Mechanism for Social Accountability in the Mining Sector

I. Background Social accountability and transparency program in extractive sector is project that is implemented by Publish What You Pay Indonesia with support and cooperation…

Annoucement Of Determination Selection Result For “Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)” Consultant GPSA PWYP Indonesia Program

Based on minutes of determination selection result : 215a/Int-J/BAPP/Koord/VI/2021 and the selection process that has been conducted, which consists of administrative completeness…