Voter Terms:

  1. Every member of the Indonesian PWYP coalition is directly/automatically entitled to become a permanent voter.
  2. Civil society organizations outside the PWYP Indonesia coalition can participate as potential voters on condition that they apply to participate as a voter to the Election Committee by including information that the organization pays attention to issues of good governance, corruption, transparency, accountability of state finances and other matters related to good management. Relating to managing natural resources, particularly the oil and gas-mining extractive industry sector and other natural resources.
  3. Applications for participation (outside PWYP Indonesia members) as voters are submitted via email to: no later than Monday, October 10, 2022.
  4. Files submitted by prospective voters (organizations outside PWYP Indonesia coalition members) are declared to have passed the verification by the election committee.

Voting Procedure (Latest)

  1. The Election Committee will send numbered ballots to all members of PWYP Indonesia and civil society organizations outside the coalition who have been verified as voters via email for each organization/organizational representative via email representative
  2. PWYP members and civil society organizations outside the PWYP coalition who have been verified as voters conduct elections by voting for a maximum of three (3) name choices and a minimum of one (1) name choice, each of which has the following weights:
    • Choice number (1) weights 3;
    • Choice number (2) weights 2;
    • Choice number (3) weights 1.
  3. Filling out names as much as 1/2/3 on the ballot paper will still receive the same weight provisions as listed above.
  4. The ballot papers given voting rights are then sent to email: accompanied by the signature of the agency coordinator or agency representative.
  5. Voting will be held on October 14-21, 2022, until 23:59 WIB.
  6. The Election Committee will send each filled-out ballot sent by the voters a receipt.
  7. The Election Committee calculates and recapitulates the election votes, then determines the three (3) names with the highest votes as civil society representatives who will sit on the EITI Indonesia Implementation Team.
  8. The Election Committee reports the election results to the PWYP Indonesia National Secretariat. The PWYP Indonesia National Secretariat announces to the public and conveys the names of the three civil society representatives to the Head of the Implementing Team through the EITI Indonesia Secretariat.
  9. For further questions and information, don’t hesitate to contact the Election Committee via Citra at mobile number: 0812-8144-5260 or email