The Election Committee for Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Indonesia Implementation Team has decided on three (3) candidates. The voting recapitulation was held on 24 October 2022, and the selected candidates have the highest weight rate from the voters, which are the civil society organizations that are members of the Indonesian PWYP coalition and external organizations other than members of the Indonesian PWYP Coalition. These organizations are already registered and verified by the Election Committee.

The Election Committee announced three names who received the highest votes as candidates with the right to be part of Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Indonesia Implementation Team, 2022-2025 period. They are (1) Astrid Debora Meliala, (2) Rocky Ramadani, and (3) Dwi Arie Santo.

No. Name Vote Weight Result
1 Astrid Debora Meliala 94
2 Rocky Ramadani 42
3 Dwi Arie Santo 38
4 Ibrahim Zuhdhi Badoh 23
5 R. Mouna Wasef 21
6 Yusnita Ike Christanti 17
7 Evan Saepul Rohman 15
8 Agung Budiono 12
9 Irendra Radjawali 3

Additionally, the candidates who are in the 4th, 5th, and 6th place, namely: (4) Ibrahim Zuhdhi Badoh; (5) R. Mouna Wasef; dan (6) Yusnita Ike Christanti, will be a part of the Technical Teams/alternate members.

We express our deepest gratitude to all candidates who have participated in all stages of the selection and to the voters, namely civil society organizations, for using their voting rights in determining the electability of candidates.

Jakarta, 24 October 2022

Election Committee for Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Implementation Team, 2022 – 2025 period


Yani Taufik


List of Voters

1. Akar Foundation
2. Balang Institute
3. FITRA Jatim
4. FITRA Riau
6. Gebrak Brebes
7. GeRAK Aceh
8. Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW)
9. Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL)
10. Indonesian Parliamentary Center (IPC)
11. Institute For Ecological Study (INFESt)
12. Jaringan Anti Korupsi (Jarak) Bandung
13. LBH Samarinda
14. Lembaga Hijau Lestari Celebes (LHLC) Makassar
15. LePMIL Sultra
16. LPAD Riau
17. LPESM Riau
19. MaTa Aceh
20. PATTIRO (Nasional)
21. PATTIRO Semarang
23. Perdu Manokwari
24. Perkumpulan Gemawan Kalimantan Barat
25. Perkumpulan IDEA
26. Perkumpulan Lingkar Hijau
27. Perkumpulan Media Lintas Komunitas (Medialink)
28. Perkumpulan PADI
29. Perkumpulan Pakativa
30. Perkumpulan Tanah Air (PeTA)
31. Perserikatan Petani Sulawesi Selatan (PPSS)
32. Pijar Melayu
33. POKJA 30
34. Seknas FITRA
36. Spora Institute
37. Sumsel Watch
38. Tangtudibuana
39. WALHI Kaltim
40. WALHI Lampung
43. WALHI Riau
44. Walhi Sumsel
45. YASMIB (Swadaya Mitra Bangsa) Sulawesi
46. Yayasan Keadilan Rakyat (YKR) Jambi
47. Yayasan Puspa Indonesia

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