The abundant natural resources owned by Indonesia is not positively contributed to people’s welfare, given the poverty rates. Indonesia’s average poverty rate is still considered high, which is 11,11% (BPS, 2014). Furthermore, the highest poverty region is dominated by natural resources rich regional, including Aceh and Papua. Looking at the phenomenon, PWYP Indonesia conducted capacity building, titled “Strategy for Poverty Alleviation based on Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and the Development of Resource Center in Oil, Gas, and Mining Industries Area” in Taliwang, West Sumbawa District, NTB on January 20-22, 2015.

Regional Poverty Alleviation Coordination Team (TKPKD) comprised of government’s representative and CSOs from four natural resource rich district, including North Aceh, Indragiri Hulu, Bojoengoro, and West Sumbawa were actively participated in the workshop. This event is part of Reversing the Resource Curse Program, initiated by PWYP Indonesia with the supports from Ford Foundation.

Wiko Saputra from Prakarsa Institute delivered the training on the strategy of poverty alleviation based on MPI. Wiko explained that unlike the current method that’s based on the income or consumption,  MPI provides broader structure of poverty which accommodates education, health, and life quality access. “By utilizing MPI, government will be given more real capture of poverty than consumption approach that’s used by Statistics Indonesia (BPS) so far. MPI also will give more objective strategy to alleviate poverty in Indonesia,” said Wiko.
While Yaury Tetanel from Strategic Alliance for Poverty Alleviation (SAPA) explained about strengthening the institution of Regional Poverty Alleviation Coordination Team (TKPKD) that has strategic role to integrate data, program, and the implementation of poverty alleviation program or known as the function of Resource Center. The participant also practiced to arrange the needs and poverty data synchronization by utilizing information technology.

As the side event, the participant enable to have a dialogue with Starifuddin Jarot, Senior Manager of CSR in PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PT NTT) concerning on community empowerment. In addition, the participants also have an opportunity to conduct field visit to mining operation owned by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara and community empowerment area near mining sites.
