PWYP Indonesia, Seknas FITRA, Indonesian Human Rights Committee for Social Justice (IHCS), Kiara and the Association for Pesantren and Community Development (P3M), which are members of the People’s Coalition for Mining Sovereignty on March 11, 2014, officially applied to a related party to the Court The Constitution (MK) related to judicial review of article 102 and 103 of the Minerba Law by Apemindo.

The People’s Coalition for Mining Sovereignty rejects the petitioner’s argument in this matter Apemindo which states that article 102 and article 103 only contain obligations to increase mineral and coal value added through processing and refining and there is no sentence for ore export bans. According to Apemindo the government only must control exports and production, not to prohibit ore exports.

In the Constitutional Court session with the agenda of listening to the testimony of fact witnesses on September 1, 2014, the coalition of civil society presented fact witnesses Salfianus Seko, one of the Dayak Indigenous Chiefs.

In the trial, Seko stated that the dumping of bauxite mining that had been thrown away threatened the survival of the Kapuas river habitat which the Dayak people considered to have a lot of cultural values. By displaying photographs of evidence of environmental damage caused by mining activities, the Dayak people want justice for their 69-year-old rights.

On September 29, 2014, the civil society coalition presented its conclusions to the Constitutional Court to be considered by the constitutional judges to make decisions.

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