The use of global bonds registered in the United States to finance divestment shares by PT Inalum is considered to continue to influence foreign control over PT Freeport Indonesia’s ownership., JAKARTA – The use of global bonds registered in the United States to finance divestment shares by PT Inalum is considered to continue to influence foreign control over the ownership of PT Freeport Indonesia.

The National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay, Maryati Abdullah said that 51% government share ownership should not only be related to stock control, but also control over management and capital.

“But the question is that if 51% of global bond buyers registered in the US are also Americans, it means that logically controlling capital is the same [foreign]. So if they buy back global bonds it can also affect, “he said, Friday (21/12/2018).

Even though, currently, in the PTFI structure, there are more Indonesians in the management structure.


The following are complete positions of PTFI directors and commissioners:


Board of Directors

President Director: Tony Wenas

Deputy President Director: Orias Petrus Moedak

Director: Jenpino Ngabdi

Director: Achmad Ardianto

Director: Robert Charles Schroeder

Director: Mark Jerome Johnson


Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: Richard Adkerson

Deputy President Commissioner: Amien Sunaryadi

Commissioner: Budi Gunadi Sadikin

Commissioner: Hinsa Siburian

Commissioner: Kathleen Lynne Quirk

Commissioner: Adrianto Machribie
