To realize the goals and objectives of the Reversing the Resource Curse (RRC) program, the PWYP Indonesia national secretariat opens opportunities to partner with civil society organizations in carrying out several activities, especially those related to issues that are the focus of the PRC program. As in 2017, which resulted in 5 (five) collaborations with a focus on issues of follow-up to the results of the GNPSDA-KPK Korsup, management of extractive sector revenues for poverty reduction at sub-national and village levels, as well as a series of writing lessons for civil society and agents of change.

In 2018, PWYP Indonesia was again looking for partners to implement program activities, especially those related to PRC program issues, which use the main approaches in research and policy advocacy, multi-stakeholder strategic collaboration (co-creation), open innovation development. Data and communication strategies and specific youth and women’s outreach initiatives in promoting extractive resource governance reforms.

After going through the selection and reviewing stages of proposals carried out by the PWYP Indonesia National Secretariat selection committee, here are 4 (four) 2018 Call for Partners winners:

  1. Walhi West Sumatra – Study “Women and Coal in Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra Province
  2. Fitra Riau – “Guarding the Implementation of the Special ADD for Oil and Gas through strengthening the role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province.”
  3. Indonesia Parliamentary Center (IPC) – Study “Assessment of the Role of Parliament in Encouraging Policy Reform in the Extractive Industry Sector in Indonesia”
  4. Fitra Jawa Timur – “Assistance in the Regional Development Planning Process by Paying Attention to the Fiscal Capacity and Volatility Factors of the Extractive Industries in Bojonegoro Regency, East Java Province”

The decision of the 2018 Call for Partner selection committee is final and cannot be contested.
