Energy Governance and Saving the Natural Environment

Answering the challenges from Sustainable Development, Paris Agreement, and saving the natural resources, PWYP Indonesia presented "Energy Governance…

PRESS RELEASE: Trip to Europe, President Jokowi Must Discuss Fair and Transparent Tax Governance

For broadcast April 18, 2016 and thereafter. President Joko Widodo is scheduled to visit several countries in Europe, namely Germany, Britain,…

Energy Corruption Emergency in East Kalimantan

At present, the energy crisis in East Kalimantan is inevitable. The level of dependence on fossil energy is still high (71% fuel oil, coal 2%, and…

A Story from Cerro De Pasco: Towards a Rights and Environmental Recovery Scheme in the EITI Standard

By: Hermawansyah, Swandiri Institute As a policy dialogue forum, EITI involves 3 parties namely the State, the Business Community & Civil…

An Open Letter to President Joko Widodo

President Joko Widodo, photo source: Batara News. Dear Mr. President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo, When the global financial system…

‘Panama Papers is An Evidence of Tax Mafia Emergencies in Indonesia’

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - A number of non-governmental organizations that are members of the Fair Tax Forum are of the view that the names of…

2015, The Circulation of Illicit Money in Indonesia Reached Rp 227.7 Trillion

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Coordinator of Publish What You Pay Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah, revealed that at least the circulation of illegal money or…

Encouraging More Open Global Tax Cooperation, Jakarta - The existence of a tax haven country is considered to be very detrimental because it indirectly dredges the wealth of…

10 Countries with ‘Dark’ Cash Flow, Indonesia in Which Order?, Jakarta - Indonesia is listed in the top 10 countries that have illicit financial flows (IFF) with a value of more than Rp 2,400…