TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Coordinator of Publish What You Pay Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah, revealed that at least the circulation of illegal money or Illicit Financial Flows (IFF) in Indonesia ranks seventh out of all countries that have the highest circulation of illicit money.

“The circulation of illicit money in Indonesia in 2014 reached Rp 227.7 trillion, equivalent to 11.7 percent of the total APBN-P 2014,” she explained during a discussion at the Transparency International Indonesia (TII) office, Jakarta, Sunday (10/4/2016).

Maryati stated the majority of illicit money came from the mining sector whose value reached Rp 23.89 trillion. Of these funds, Rp 21.33 trillion was an illegal trade transaction and Rp 2.56 trillion was ‘hot’ money flow.

While in the period 2003 to 2012, it was recorded that Indonesia disbursed funds amounting to Rp 1,699 trillion or Rp 167 trillion each year.

“Whereas Indonesia’s tax ratio is still low, only around 9.4 percent. This means there are indications that there are still those who avoid paying taxes, “he added.

Maryati also regretted that tax revenue during this time period was only 43 percent of the potential tax currently located abroad reaching Rp 60 trillion.

Source: here.
