Selection committee of CSO’s representative in the Multi Stakeholder Groups (MSG) of EITI Indonesia held an in-depth discussion in order to explore further the MSG candidate’s vision, mission, capacity and the most important commitment to the EITI process. This discussion involved panelists consist of Mr. Erry Riyana Hardjapamekas (former commissioner of Anticorruption Commission/KPK and former chair of Fomatting Team of EITI Indonesia), FabbyTumiwa (Alternate Member of EITI International Board), Ridaya Laode Ngkowe (Champion of EITI Indonesia in the Drafting of Presidential Decree for EITI Indonesia, Former of PWYP Indonesia Coordinator), and Maryati Abdullah (National Coordinator of PWYP Indonesia and former CSO’s representation in MSG EITI Indonesia). The discussion was held in PWYP Indonesia National Secretariat Office in Tebet, March, 8thh 2014. Meanwhile, the candidates who was interviewed are Yenny Sucipto (Secretary General of FITRA), Yustinus Prastowo (Expert on Taxation in CITA), JokoPurwanto (Chair of Steering Committee Bojonegoro Institute), Chitra Retna Septyandrica (Director of Article 33) and Alamsyah Saragih (former chair of KIP-Central Information Commission).