Oil and Gas Law Number 22 Year 2001 had been fie times asked to be judicial reviewed on Constitutional Court. Currently, Oil and Gas Law being in the revision process and had been registered in National Legislation Program of House of Representatives (Prolegnas) since 2010. However, till 2018 or after nine years, the revision has not done yet, in fact it was not even discussed between Government and Parliament. Until this Position Paper is written, the draft of revision is being discussed in Legislation Body “Badan Legislatif (BALEG)”, for further to ask agreement on the plenary session of the house to be draft of Oil and Gas Bill from Parliament.
Civil society coalition of Publish What You Pay Indonesia (PWYP Indonesia) have formulated a draft of Oil and Gas Bill with its main ideas consist of Oil and Gas Planning and Reserving Aspects for Energy Security; Institutional Model of Oil and Gas Management, Endowments Funds, Environmental Impact Management and Safety Works; and also Transparency, Accountability and Public Participation aspects on the Oil and Gas Planning and Management.