Jakarta – To synchronize central and local government policies in the Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) sector, PWYP Indonesia, in collaboration with the Directorate of Synchronization of Local Government Affairs (SUPD) I, Directorate General of Regional Development (Ditjen Bina Bangda) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), sub-directorate of ESDM, held a workshop on Finalizing the Dashboard of Technical Guidelines for Preparing Strategic Plans for Government Affairs in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector in the Local Region on April 4, 2023, in the SUPD I meeting room, Ditjen Bangda, Kemendagri. This activity aims to provide input for the dashboard of the Technical Guidelines for the Preparation of Strategic Plans for the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector in the Local Regions, which has entered the final stage.

In general, the Technical Guidelines for the Preparation of Regional Strategic Plan for the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector is a tool built to assist state civil apparatus (ASN) in the regions in (i) preparing the Regional Strategic Plan for the ESDM Sector and (ii) analyzing the achievement of sectoral and macroeconomic targets from the plans prepared. This tool was developed using spreadsheet-based software, making it easy to operate and use by regional ASNs.

This workshop began with a presentation by PWYP Indonesia Experts Erick Hutrindo and Muhamad Ardisa, who presented an instrument model that facilitates the link between the programs and activities prepared for the achievement of macro development targets such as economic growth and poverty alleviation, as well as sectoral targets for the development of electrification ratios, energy mix, etc. Furthermore, workshop participants, mainly from SUPD 1 DG Bangda, provided several inputs that were in line with the main tasks and functions (tupoksi) of local governments, especially in the ESDM sector. In addition, participants were also asked to simulate how to use the guidance instrument so that it could be applied later.

The next stage and follow-up will be piloting the instrument to several provinces, including Jakarta, Southeast Sulawesi, South Sumatra, West Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, and East Java. In the final stage, an instrument-based application that is easy to use by the Directorate General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs or the Regional Government will be developed.

Author: Ersya S. Nailuvar
Reviewer: Aryanto Nugroho
