POS-KUPANG.COM, KUPANG – The potential loss of land rent (fixed fee) in East Nusa Tenggara Province due to mining in the new mineral and stone sector (mineral and coal) in NTT could reach Rp 43.1 billion for 2010-2013.
This was stated in a press conference on the anti-mining coalition mafia at the on the rock hotel, Wednesday (3/6/2015). Present at the press conference were Agung Budiono from the Jakarta mining anti-mafia coalition, Torry Juswardono from the Pikul foundation, NTT’s WALHI Program Manager, Melkior Nahar, and from NTB.
According to the brand, the potential for receiving land rent is calculated from the permit and area data referring to PP No. 9 of 2012 where for exploration mining permits (IUP), that is, the area (ha) multiplied by two dollars and for the operating IUP multiplied by four dollars.
It was explained, this loss was caused because the IUP holder did not or had not paid the land rent obligation, the IUP area data was not updated and the proof of land rent deposit was not submitted by the company to the regional government or from the regional government to the central government. According to Torry, NTT has issued 411 IUPs and of these there are 138 IUPs that do not meet clean and clear requirements, overlapping land, do not have NPWP and other requirements.
He added that every IUP should have a reclamation guarantee but in NTT only 2.8 percent or 13 IUPs had fulfilled the reclamation guarantee. Others are indicated violating the law because the reclamation guarantee must be fulfilled by the IUP holder.