KLIKERS.id – The government continues to encourage the extractive industry to apply the principles of transparency to the public. This is a form of accountability in realizing transparent and accountable sustainable development targets.
Representing the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Chairman of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Secretariat as Head of the Data and Information Technology Center of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agus Cahyono Adi, said the importance of transparency in the extractive industry from the granting of licenses to the amount of contributions made to the state.

“EITI is a global standard for the governance of oil, gas, mineral, and coal natural resources with the principle of data disclosure in every extractive industry value chain starting from the granting of mining licenses and contracts, exploration activities, production, management of state revenues obtained, distribution to the regions, to the contribution of this sector to the state,” said Agus at Gajah Mada University Yogyakarta, Monday (16/10).

Indonesia’s involvement continued Agus in implementing global extractive industry standards, which have been carried out since 2010. “Until now, Indonesia has compiled the 10th EITI report, which discloses data and information in every extractive industry supply chain, from licensing production to the utilization of revenue earned,” he explained.

Furthermore, Agus said that through the principle of data and information disclosure, public involvement is expected to be improved to encourage policy improvement and extractive industry governance and increase the benefits felt by the community.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Gajah Mada University, Wawan Mas’udi, mentioned the importance of stakeholder involvement in utilizing more renewable energy while still paying attention to justice and equality.

“Polgov actively wants to cooperate not only with local stakeholders but also at the global level, one of which is together with the Civil Society Organization (CSO) to encourage civil society in extractive energy management,” Wawan.

Efforts to build a green society, according to Wawan, are not only knowledge but also policy action. We must adapt to climate challenges in the form of policies. For example, through the energy transition, the extractive industry is the central pillar of economic growth in various countries. “It is the foundation of the country’s financial resources,” concluded Wawan.

Wawan added that the current problem is that mining management has been unable to provide welfare evenly, so downstream efforts to support the energy transition are one of the hopes. “Knowledge production from the campus is expected to help policy-making actions,” said Wawan.

The Extractive Transparency Day event is part of a series of events leading up to the launch of the extractive data portal managed by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the EITI Indonesia Secretariat. In this event, there will be socialization of data processing competitions that are open to the public and writing articles specifically for journalists and are part of efforts to increase public attention to the existence of extractive data portals and utilize them for the public interest.?

It is hoped that Extractive Transparency Day can become a regular activity and can provide opportunities for stakeholders and the wider community to meet, discuss, and discuss extractive industry issues, especially in making concrete and meaningful contributions to the sustainability agenda of implementing extractive industry transparency in Indonesia.

In this event, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources itself, as the Secretariat of Transparency of Indonesia’s National and Regional Revenues, collaborated with the Research Center for Politics and Government (PolGov) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (FISIPOL UGM), Publish What You Pay (PWYP) and Analitika Indonesia (IDEA) Yogyakarta.

Build Data Portal

To support a form of transparency in the extractive industry, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is also building an extractive industry data portal, which is expected to become a communication tool for the public to understand the management of the extractive industry better to create a more harmonious relationship with the community.

“The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is building an extractive industry data portal, which is expected to become a communication tool for the public to understand the management of the extractive industry better to create a more harmonious relationship with the community,” said Agus who is usually called Aca.

Aca added as part of the implementation of the transparency principle, EITI Indonesia encourages the mainstreaming of extractive industry transparency towards systematic disclosure through the development of the Extractive Data Portal.

“The Extractive Data Portal is expected to be utilized optimally and contextually by user groups from various circles, including the Central and Regional Governments, industry, civil society organizations (CSOs), media, and academics. This portal is also expected to be a one-stop data hub for extractive industry transparency that publishes data collected from the oil and gas and mineral and coal mining transparency process regularly from relevant government agencies and other sources,” Aca concluded.

Source: Klikers.id
