Palu – Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia in collaboration with IDEA Yogyakarta held a training entitled “Institutionalizing Extractive Industries Transparency Initiatives (EITI) at the Local Level in Support of Just Energy Transition in Central Sulawesi” on March 7-8, 2023 in Palu, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng). The training, which was aimed at Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) of Central Sulawesi Province, was attended by a number of OPD representatives, including from the Environmental Office; Forestry Office, BAPPEDA Office, Energy and Mineral Resources Service (ESDM) Office, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DPPPA) Office; Health Office; Communication and Information Office; Plantation Office, Central Sulawesi Ombudsman, etc.

This training aimed to increase knowledge, capacity, and awareness for local governments of the importance of a just energy transition; disseminated and followed-up the study “Community Involvement in a Just Energy Transition through EITI Implementation in North Morowali Regency”; gathered input and formulated joint solutions in improving natural resource governance and realizing a just energy transition, especially for the community; and formulated recommendations for opportunities for institutionalizing EITI in the region.

On the first day, the training was opened by Sampe Purba, Daily Chairperson of EITI Indonesia as well as Expert Staff to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources for Natural Resources Economics, who gave an introduction to EITI and introduced EITI institutions at the national level such as the legal basis, objectives, and history of EITI in Indonesia. Sampe also conveyed the purpose of EITI, which is to encourage systematic, publicly available, valid data disclosure and support state development in the mineral and coal sector, by referring to global requirements/standards agreed upon in the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) forum.

Meanwhile, Emanuel Bria, Asia Officer of EITI International Secretariat who was also a resource person highlighted the impact of extractive industry with energy transition such as decreasing demand for extractive sector and increasing critical minerals such as nickel by conveying the context of global commitments in climate change. In addition, he also explained the role of EITI in the energy transition, namely opening space for stakeholders to conduct policy dialog so that the attitudes/views of stakeholders in the energy transition can be known.

Furthermore, Tenti Novari and Ibrahim Zuhdhi Badoh as training facilitators guided the training process in a participatory manner starting from the dissemination of the study “Community Involvement in Equitable Energy Transition through EITI Implementation in North Morowali Regency”; introducing the basic concepts of equitable energy transition to participants; and practicing reading and analyzing EITI Indonesia reports.

On the second day, participants practiced more in groups, starting from analyzing and recommending EITI reports for 2019-2020. From the results of the analysis, participants recommend that EITI Indonesia needs to conduct socialization as stated in the extractive industry policy; ask whether the coverage of the EITI sector can be expanded such as agriculture, fisheries and plantations; propose that the MOMI, e-PNBP, MODI applications at the center can be developed in the regions and can be reached by villagers; mining company conflict cases can be included in the EITI report.

Participants were also asked to identify the impact of energy transition and risk mitigation for local governments and to analyze local government policies, programs and budgets in an equitable energy transition. Participants discussed the development of programs and activities based on the analysis of energy transition policies in the RPJMD, RKPD, RUED, and APBD 2023. From the results of the discussion, information was obtained that Communication and Information Office Central Sulawesi wanted to conduct a regional OPD sectoral data collection program and then publish it. Then Environmental Office and ESDM Office plan to hold a kind of environmental pollution prevention program, electricity subsidies for the underprivileged, and a development program for 48 climate villages. Meanwhile, DPPA wants to develop training for women to manage kitchen/home waste into biogas. In addition, participants were also interested in developing an education program for mothers to choose child nutrition that is not polluted by the mining industry so as to prevent child development disorders.

Author: Wicitra
Reviewer: Aryanto Nugroho
