INILAHCOM, Jakarta – The Draft Law on Tax Amnesty is soon to be discussed in the DPR. Unfortunately, the list of tax evaders is getting longer.

Maryati Abdullah, Director of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia said, if the tax amnesty runs, it does not guarantee tax optimization. “Whether we believe he (tax amnesty) can guarantee them, will not avoid taxes again,” said Maryati in Jakarta, Sunday (11/4/2016).

To ensure this, infrastructure and superstructure readiness are needed, in the form of qualified taxation rules. “If not, what will happen will even be missed again,” she said.

Maryati said the tax amnesty was a short-term solution. The possibility of entrepreneurs who like to avoid taxes to invest in Indonesia is very small.

“But with people who have played shadow government (shell companies), they will not come back,” she explained.

Besides that, continued Maryati, tax amnesty would demoralize. Because rich people with trillions of assets who are given tax amnesty can cause public injustice. “Not only giving tax amnesty, but that is the moral of the nation that they do, namely doing business without paying taxes,” she explained. [ipe]
