30 July 2015
Riding The Open Data Movement In Extractive Sector
Indonesia, a nation used to limiting the free flow of information as a consequence of a 32-year dictatorship, has now reached the era of openness. The Public Information…
2 June 2015
Spatial Transparency: A Case Study of Advocacy Work in West Kalimantan
The presentation of Arif Munandar, researcher of Swandiri Institute. Delivered in the 3rd International Open Data Conference, Ottawa (28-29 May 2015). Case study on spatial…
24 May 2015
CSOs coalition urges transparency of cost of recovery in the revision of Oil and Gas Law
Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia urges that government should following up recommendation from Reformation Team for Governance of Oil and Gas on issues related to the…
17 May 2015
Investigative Audit and Forensic Audit Is A Must to Petral
Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, a civil society coalition who concern on oil and gas issues support Indonesia’ president who command Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource…
11 May 2015
Drones and the Environment
The Tayan Hilir tribe of West Kalimantan almost lost its lands to a commercial concession area because of unclear and overlapping directives. To save their 300-hectare land, the…
10 May 2015
Flying on A Budget
Five years ago, drone flying was the domain of the US military and wealthy hobbyists. Yet, within the last year and a half, researchers at the Swandiri Institute in Pontianak, West…