PWYP Indonesia with the Stakeholders from East Kalimantan Discuss Coal Production and Export Control

The 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) mandates restrictions on coal production and exports, as well as prioritizing coal supply for domestic needs. This…

The Challenge of National Coal Management: Leakage of State Revenue and Urgency of Energy Transition

The urgency of placing coal as a motor of development, not just a commodity, is understood by all parties. Nevertheless, in practice, it is not that easy. There are some…

# 20 Years of Reform: Notes on the Oil and Gas and Mining Sector

The report was prepared and published by Publish What You Pay Indonesia to mark the 20th anniversary of the Reformation Era since 1998. This report was prepared as a reflection…

Press Release: Measuring Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) Policy

Jakarta - President Jokowi's decision to cancel the plan to revoke the coal Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) obligation has at least dampened public upheaval in the past week.…

Improvement of Coal Governance in Indonesia

Indonesia is the fifth largest coal producer in the world after China, the United States, Australia and India. However, Indonesia is the second largest exporter after Australia…

Improvement of Mining Governance in Indonesia

Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia held a discussion and launched a report on licensing reform and improvement of Indonesia's mining governance (7/12). Currently, mine…

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Efforts to Save Indonesia’s Natural Resources

Amid various efforts to weaken the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has played a significant role in saving Indonesia's natural resources. Under the Coordination and…

‘Devil Is in the Detail’ With Freeport Agreement: Experts, NGOs

Jakarta. Nongovernmental organizations and experts have raised concerns over the undiscussed details in a recent agreement between the Indonesian government and United States…

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Finds 73,811 Hectares of Forest to be Coal Mine

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - The results of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) coordination and supervision found an increase in the use of conservation and protected forest…