Sikkim, India – Aryanto Nugroho, National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia became a virtual resource person on April 30, 2023, in the Plenary Session & Working Session: Sustainable Lifestyle, Agriculture, Environment & Partnerships, which is part of the Sustainable and Resilient Communities Conclave series, organized by the Working Group on Sustainable & Resilient Communities C20 India Hybrid on April 29-30, 2023 in Sikkim, India.

This activity aims to bring extensive dialogue and engagement with Civil Society Organizations, Policy Makers, Representatives from government and non-government agencies, and academics from around the world to understand existing global policies, identify gaps and come up with innovative solutions that will then be presented to the G20 countries. Specifically on the thematic of Climate Resilience Environment & Social Justice; Net-Zero Emission Management; Environment Sustainability; Compassion Driven Approach.

On this occasion, Aryanto delivered his presentation entitled Advancing “Just” in the Transition to Net Zero Emission Through G20 Agenda. Aryanto started from the results of the G20 in Indonesia which produced a number of documents, ranging from the G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration, C20 Chair’s Summary Joint Environment and Climate Ministers’ Meeting; G20 Studies under the Climate Sustainability Working Groups; Bali Compact; G20 Chair’s Summary Energy Transition Ministers Meeting 2022; and Decade of Actions: Bali Energy Transitions Roadmap; while also reminding the extent of G20 countries’ commitment to the implementation of these commitments. He underlined the importance for C20 India to promote accountability for commitments from previous G20 meetings.

In addition, Aryanto also reminded whether the results of the G20 related to the achievement of Net Zero Emission have adopted aspects of justice in its implementation. For this reason, Aryanto encouraged C20 India to fight for aspects of justice in achieving net zero emissions. In addition, Aryanto also reiterated the policy pack resulting from the Environment; Climate Justice and Energy Transition Working Groups (ECEWG) at the last C20 Indonesia which is still relevant to be continued by C20 India.

Author: Aryanto Nugroho
