PWYP Indonesia in collaboration with IDEA Jogja and supported by RWI held a seminar on “Management of Oil and Gas Revenues and Mining in Indonesia: Extraction of Natural Resources Only for People’s Welfare” on June 26, 2013, at the Grand Sahid Hotel Jakarta. This seminar aims to clarify the management of revenue management from the extractive sector, an assessment and analysis of aspects of fiscal policy, financial decentralization, and management of natural resource coffers are needed for intergeneration purposes; examine the existence of policies, implementation and constraints faced, including aspects of transparency and accountability of governance; and recommends improvements in governance policies for oil and gas and mining revenues in Indonesia. Present as speakers at the discussion included University of Indonesia Economist Faisal Basri, Director of IDEA Wasingatu Zakiyah and Head of Economic Affairs of the East Kalimantan Provincial Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level, Ujang Rahmadi.
