Publish What You Pay Indonesia (PWYP Indonesia) with the support of the Ford Foundation initiated the Reversing the Resource Curse program. The program focuses on increasing the transparency and accountability of extractive industries and managing revenue obtained from extractive resources for poverty reduction through planning and budgeting processes, improving public policies and strengthening institutions, empowering and increasing the capacity of stakeholders, and developing resource centers to support poverty reduction programs. . On the demand side, the program will strengthen community rights awareness in villages around the mine through the establishment of community centers, community access to information testing, social audits of extractive industries and monitoring of poverty reduction programs and the use of village funds for the community.

The program is carried out in four piloting areas, namely districts rich in natural resources, oil and gas producers and mining. Working closely with PWYP coalition members as program partners, namely: MATA in North Aceh District, Nangroe Aceh Darusalam; FITRA Riau in Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province; Bojonegoro Institute in Bojonegoro Regency, East Java Province; and SOMASI in West Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. To download, please klick here.

In Publication , Brief & Profil  | PWYP Indonesia | October 11st , 2016
