To be reported on May 31, 2015 and thereafter

PWYP Ready to Monitor Jokowi’s Inpres

Related to Corruption Prevention and Eradication
[Especially Related to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Natural Resources Issues]

JAKARTA – Indonesian Publish What You Pay Coalition (PWYP), welcomes the issuance of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 7 of 2015 concerning the Corruption Prevention and Eradication Action in 2015. This Presidential Instruction is an anticorruption policy that was first signed by President Jokowi since being elected in 2014 which then.

The Presidential Instruction which is the elaboration and further implementation of PP No. 55/2012 on the National Strategy for Long-Term Corruption Prevention and Eradication in 2012-2025 gives instructions to all Working Cabinet Ministers, Cabinet Secretary, Attorney General, National Police, Chief of Non-Ministry Government Institutions ( LPNK), Secretary General of State Higher Institutions, Governors, and all Regents / Mayors throughout Indonesia to jointly carry out earnestly the 2015 PPKT Action.

PWYP Indonesia’s National Coordinator, Maryati Abdullah, said that the Inpres gave a little fresh air that the Jokowi Government had a vision in fighting corruption. “For that we welcome and are ready to monitor its implementation, especially related to the energy sector and mineral resources,” he said Sunday (5/31).

Inpres No 7/2015 includes 96 KDP Action items planned to be carried out throughout 2015. Each of the PPK Actions is described in detail, including listing the responsible institutions / agencies and the success criteria of each action / activity. Publish What You Pay noted several activities related to the energy and natural resources sector, among others: Acceleration of the formation of the One Map Indonesia Minerba (MOMI), Evaluation of the Implementation of Presidential Regulation No. 26 of 2010 concerning Transparency of State / Regional Revenues obtained from the Oil and Gas Extractive Industries and mining; Acceleration of the Basic Land Map Provision; Transparency of Non-Tax State Revenues in the field of natural resources, studies for adjustments to various ESDM regulations related to the implementation of the Minerba Law, etc.

“This PPK Presidential Instruction complements efforts to eradicate corruption in the natural resources sector which had previously been started. For example, the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the action plan of the National Movement to Save Natural Resources (SDA) between President Jokowi and the KPK Chair with 29 ministries or institutions and 12 provincial governments some time ago, “said Maryati.

Aryanto Nugroho, PWYP Indonesia’s Advocacy coordinator added, transparency of non-tax revenue in the natural resources sector is very relevant if Jokowi wants to increase the target of state revenue and reduce leakage in the natural resources sector. Moreover, he continued, the Coordination and Supervision (Korsup) of the Minerba sector is being intensively carried out by the KPK together with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and 31 Provinces.

“We also consider the acceleration of MOMI as a positive step to provide licensing maps, so that the problem of overlapping permits is immediately resolved and the public gets information disclosure from maps of Minerba permits that have been issued so far,” added Aryanto.

Aryanto assessed that the evaluation of the Implementation of Perpres 26/2010 was also relevant in the midst of Indonesia’s position which currently received suspend status from EITI International due to the delay in publication of the report, even though various stakeholders such as the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Finance, SKK Migas and extractive industry companies had welcomed the implementation EITI in Indonesia, and Indonesia achieved ‘compliant’ status at the end of 2014 – that is meeting EITI standards globally, “he added.

Wahyudi, Program Officer for Economic Governance Department of Transparency International (TI) Indonesia, reminded Jokowi not to play around with this Inpres. Civil society will continue to collect Jokowi’s commitment in the implementation of the PPK Inpres. Moreover, Indonesia has ratified the United Nations Convention Againts Corruption (UNCAC) which was ratified through Law No. 7 of 2006.

“Don’t let this PPK Inpres be ignored by his subordinates and become a pile of files. Experience shows the ineffectiveness of anti-corruption programs by the government, one of which is due to the absence of strict sanctions for institutions / agencies that do not run. In addition, there are also no indicators that measure the impact of anti-corruption inpres. For example the impact of anti-corruption inpres on increasing public perception of the government or in the form of a reduction in the bribing experience in government institutions, “Wahyudi said.

Contact Person: Maryati Abdullah: Aryanto Nugroho:
