Jakarta – On January 25, 2024, PWYP Indonesia held a discussion forum to develop a monitoring module for Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) implementation in a just energy transition in the Central Jakarta area. This event was held to respond the launched of the Comprehensive Investment and Policy Plan Just Energy Transition Partnership Indonesia (CIPP JETP) 2023 document, released on November 21, 2023.

As Indonesia has taken progressive steps toward energy transition as an integral part of efforts to overcome climate change and achieve climate resilience and low carbon goals by 2050, CIPP JETP 2023 takes a further step by making gender equality and empowerment the main foundation in the “Just Transition.” Instead of emphasizing the importance of participation from all stakeholders, the document also breaks down the actions to overcome the energy transition’s social, economic, and environmental risks.

The JETP Indonesia Secretariat has been assigned to lead the annual development and renewal of the CIPP by integrating changes in electricity supply and demand dynamics, costs, technology, and related policies and laws. The implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of CIPP desired to involve broad public participation.

There are three foundations and two pillars in the just transition framework. The three foundations are human rights, gender equality, community empowerment, and accountability. Meanwhile, the two pillars are “Leaving no one behind,” as well as “sustainability and resilience” . Regarding the development of the monitoring module, PWYP Indonesia will focus on operationalizing the foundational indicators for gender equality and community empowerment. It is essential to ensure that everyone can participate meaningfully and fairly, have equal access to program and project resources, obtain proper social and economic benefits, and address any potential risks of exposure to gender-based violence.

The CIPP has stated that there will be a monitoring and evaluation report every three months and there is the possibility of carrying out participatory monitoring involving civil society, women’s groups, and people with disabilities. The involvement of related and affected parties is significant because a just and inclusive energy transition is not merely a dream but a necessity in facing the challenge of climate change. Implementing appropriate operational indicators will provide more significant opportunities to ensure this transition, not only for a sustainable environment but also to deliver equitable social and economic benefits for the entire community.

Author: Raudatul Jannah
Reviewer: R Mouna Wasef
