PWYP Indonesia Press Release
To be publish on January 25, 2019

Jakarta – The second round of debate for the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates with the theme of food, energy, infrastructure, natural resources (SDA) and environment will be held on February 17, 2019 next month. In the midst of evaluation and public input on improving the format of the debate, it is important to improve the quality and depth of priority issues concerning the nation’s problems in the second round of the debates on the candidates. The candidate’s debate tomorrow must be able to be a space for each pair of candidates (paslon) to translate their visions clearly, straightforwardly and authentically, and be able to answer problems and offer appealing and effective solutions for improvement.

The theme of this second-debate is very strategic because it is at the heart of economic security and national development. Indonesia, which is endowed with natural resources and great economic potential – both in the earth, water and other natural resources – must be truly managed in line with the constitutional mandate for the sake of its people, in the present and for future generations. Do not let the leadership’s inability to manage natural resources, the multiple gifts instead of being a blessing, on the contrary will become a development trap.

Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, a civil society coalition consisting of 35 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), which is paying attention to encourage reforms in the management of natural resources Oil and Gas, Mining and energy, conduct hearings and dialogue with the Chair General Election Commission (KPU) to submit input as material in compiling the questions of the second round of Presidential Candidates and Vice Presidential Candidates.

Maryati Abdullah, PWYP Indonesia’s National Coordinator revealed, “We provide constructive input and hope that the KPU can raise priority and important issues in the energy and oil and gas management sector, mining, and natural resources which have been our common problems and challenges. This is important so that it can be a subject of discussion and political education for candidates, election participants, and voters / public for the development of increasingly quality, substantive and rational democracy for the progress of the Indonesian nation. ”

A number of important aspects that were input by PWYP Indonesia as material in the preparation of the candidates’ questions for the Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates consist of:

First, aspects of energy security, both in terms of policy consistency and regulatory reform, reserve and business strategies, infrastructure development and downstreaming, control and supervision, fiscal and energy subsidies, as well as an energy transition agenda from fossil-based to renewable energy bases that are clean for the environment and sustainable.

Second, aspects of natural resource governance, both in terms of licensing and contract management, the dynamics of decentralization, downstreaming and divestment, management of state revenues and taxes, the application of anti-corruption systems, to mitigation of social and environmental impacts from the management of the energy sector and natural resources.

“Of course we give appreciation to the KPU who has been open and received all input from various publics regarding the holding of the 2019 Elections. This effort is solely a form of public participation to ensure the holding of elections and the future of Indonesian democracy, of higher quality, progress and sovereignty. ” Concluded Maryati.

Contact Person:
Asri Nuraeni ( 0813-5472-3226)

Related document:
Bahan Masukan Debat Capres Cawapres Pemilu 2019: Isu Energi, Migas, Pertambangan, dan Sumber Daya Alam
