Tallinn, Estonia – Publish What You Pay (PWYP Indonesia), as one part of civil society actively involved in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) initiative since more than a decade ago, participated in the 8th OGP Summit. Since 2011, the OGP Summit has been held six times, with the host countries being the UK, Mexico, France, Georgia, Canada, and South Korea, and most recently in Tallinn, Estonia.

OGP Summit 2023 was held in Tallinn, Estonia, on September 4-8, 2023, raising 6 (six) strategic issues related to open government, including Anti-corruption, Civic Space and public participation; Democracy; Digital Governance, Justice and Climate and environment. The OGP Global Summit was organized to discuss and accelerate open government initiatives on the priority strategic issues above. The outcome of the OGP Summit 2023 will be the OGP Steering Committee Tallinn Commitment.

In particular, PWYP has a unique contribution and role during the OGP Summit. Among them are Sharing learning in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Country Stakeholders Exchange for Democracy and Accountability, filling the Partner Session to organize one of the 30 thematic sessions, actively attending all plenary discussions, and bilateral visits to the Embassy.

Let’s look deeper at PWYP Indonesia’s role in the OGP Global Summit in Tallinn!
