Until now not all people in Riau Province have access to electricity. This is thought to be caused by the distribution of electricity which is more intended for large scale industries. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, almost 65% of electricity is distributed for industrial needs, 35% for households and small and medium industries.

This positioning note reveals the findings of Riau civil society, namely: energy sector data and information are not yet transparent, opportunities for oil and gas block management for state and regional companies, neglect of the safety aspects of communities around the mine, neglect in construction of power plants, and violations of the obligations of coal mining companies (PT. Riau Bara Harum).

The findings were presented in the KPK Coordination and Supervision in the Energy Sector that took place in Pekanbaru (17-18/3).

Positioning Note: Energy Sovereignty for the People of Riau Province from Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia
