
The role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in empowering communities and influencing public policy is an important and strategic social capital in encouraging good governance. This important role will certainly be more effective and have strong bargaining power if it is based on data and findings that are accurate, measurable, and contextual to the problem to be solved. On the other hand, data-based advocacy (evidence-based advocacy) is a separate challenge when the existence of data is not open, difficult to access, and in a format that is not ready to be processed or difficult for the general public to understand.

To that end, “PWYP Knowledge Forum” – A forum initiated by Publish What You Pay Indonesia to develop research, knowledge, and capacity building in improving public policies and governance of extractive resources, organizing Open Data Learning Series in collaboration with the Open Knowledge Foundation Fellow Data (OKF). The learning aims to improve CSO knowledge and skills in tracing, using, processing, analyzing, and displaying data quickly, accurately, and has a strong message for advocacy work and public campaigns.

The Beginner Level Open Data Learning Series is still limited to internal members of the Indonesian PWYP coalition, held on Friday from 13.30 to 15.30 WIB, with the following schedule and themes:

  • Introduction to Flow work with data and data search and retrieval techniques – completed
  • Introduction to data cleaning techniques – 19 September 2014
  • Introduction to data analysis techniques – October 3, 2014
  • Introduction to data visualization techniques – 31 October 2014
  • Making infographics from Data – 7 November 2014
  • How to take stories from the data and present the data – 14 November 2014
  • Designing a data project – 21 November 2014
  • Map-based data introduction – 28 November 2014
  • Overview and recap material – December 5, 2014

For those who are interested, please confirm Dewi Yulian Dini (021-83790541/dewiyuliandini@pwyp-indonesia.org). We can activate the channel through the online application upon request.