Data Visualization Bootcamp (dok. PWYP Indonesia)
Data Visualization Bootcamp (doc. PWYP Indonesia)

Last June, EITI (Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative) organized Multi Stakeholder Group (MSG) meeting in Manila, Philippines. This meeting discussed about the implementation of the new standard of EITI which was assigned in 2013 in Sydney, Australia. At least there were seven countries attended this multi stakeholder meeting, such as: Indonesia, Philippines, Mongolia, Myanmar, East Timor, Solomon Islands, and Papua New Guinea.

This meeting became a forum to socialize the new standard of EITI that mentioned before and to dig information how relevant this standard in each countries. In this standard (EITI 2013), there were several information that is required such as information about subnational transfer (DBH), social expenditure, state ownership, data production, licensing cadastre system, and SOE. Then, the EITI data still needed to encourage were: beneficial ownership, contracts, transportation fee, sales of production, and infrastructure provision.

Besides the MSG meeting, there were Asia Regional Data Visualization Bootcamp. This workshop aimed to make EITI report trigger public debate, story, and visualization as tools in improving awareness and participation of people toward EITI and extractive industry.

Data Visualization Boot camp began with presentation from Delegation presented how to communicate the data, utilize of pipeline, visualizeof articles, and visualization the data in EITI report in infographics and other visual. The participant came form different background. Besides presenter from, the data practitioners came from other countries as well.

Dewi Andini, as delegation from Publish What You Pay Indonesia, attended the meeting. She responded positively, “The workshop was interesting, because we learned how to create story from the data in EITI report, then visualized it in infographics iso that it can be easily understood by public. The different background participants cultivated the same data, showed the interesting visual and creative story”, said Dewi.

EITI is an international standard which has been agreed to create transparency in extractive industry.Transparency here relates to payment from company, and revenue received by government in extractive industry. These revenue and spending were reconciled by an independent reconciler using international audit standard.

The new standard of EITI (2013) gives a comprehensive transparency and accountability in every supply chain of extractive industry, compared with previous standards. The new standard consists of contextual information so that EITI report can be understood, relevant in each countries, open a greater and more accurate access of information, and a set of clearly role. Indonesia became compliant country towards EITI in 2014, but got suspended status in 2015, doe to he delayed EITI report on December 2014.
