Welcoming the momentum of the 2023 ASEAN Summit, ASEAN countries must have a more substantial commitment to accelerate the energy transition. ASEAN is at the forefront of climate risk (Global Climate Risk Index, 2021). ASEAN as a region could lose 37.4 percent of its current Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2048 if climate change mitigation and energy transition are not undertaken (EU-ASEAN Business Council, 2021). Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand will lose economic output totaling more than seven times their GDP by 2050. With Indonesia’s current GDP of IDR21,000 trillion (Fiscal Policy Agency, 2023), Indonesia could potentially lose IDR147,000 trillion if it does not mitigate climate change.

Although ASEAN already has a commitment document, ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation Phase I & II to reduce 25% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. However, the equity aspect must still be included in planned and implemented energy transition commitments. It is essential to continue to remind ASEAN Leaders to ensure a responsibility to implement equity in the energy transition.

In addition, the contradiction between commitments and practices on the ground is undoubtedly a challenge in the energy transition process in ASEAN, not only from a technical aspect but also to ensure the creation of an equitable, transparent, and accountable energy transition.

In connection with this, PWYP Indonesia organized a Media Discussion entitled “Questioning Justice in Energy Transition in the Momentum of the 2023 ASEAN Summit” on:

Day/Date: Friday, August 25, 2023
Time: 14.00 – finish
Location: Bakoel Koffie Cikini, Jalan Cikini Raya No.25, RT.16/RW.1, Cikini, Kec. Menteng, DKI Jakarta 10330
