Jakarta – In order to welcome the month of Ramadan as well as strengthen the institution’s relationship, the Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia coalition held an Iftar on April 17, 2023, at the PWYP Indonesia National Secretariat office and was attended by all Seknas Staff, Board Governing representatives, coalition member representatives, partners and the PWYP Indonesia coalition network.

PWYP Indonesia National Coordinator, Aryanto Nugroho in his remarks expressed his gratitude to all coalition members and partners and the PWYP Indonesia coalition network, both from the Government, civil society, business actors and academics who have collaborated and supported the work of the PWYP Indonesia coalition, hoping that the connection could continue to be developed in the future.

Present to deliver the “tausiyah” was KH. Sarmidi Husna, Katib Syuriyah of the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) who is also the Secretary of the Indonesian Waqf Board. On this occasion, KH Sarmidi Husna reminded three main things that can be done in the month of Ramadan and are in line with the work of civil society organizations, namely giving alms with its multidimensions, doing amar ma’ruf (reminding for being good), and building peoples harmony and peace.

Author: Aryanto Nugroho
