The annual agenda of Open Government Partnership (OGP), OGP Summit will be held in Paris, 7-9 December 2016. Unlike the predecessors, the main output of the agenda has been decided, namely Paris Declaration. It consists of several collective actions that governments and civil society are encouraged to sign up to, including access to information, civic space, open data and transparency in natural resources sector. Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia has identified three actions that are particularly important to our work.

Action 2: Ending Abuse of Anonymous of Company

PWYP Indonesia in collaboration with the secretariat of EITI Indonesia, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of National Development Plan and Transparency International Indonesia will share the experience of Indonesia on mainstreaming Beneficial Ownership Transparency in the National Policy Roadmap.

To learn more about our agenda on Beneficial Ownership Transparency, check here.

Action 3: Innovations and Data Driven Approaches to expose and fight corruptions

PWYP Indonesia commits to share the experience on open data portal and platform development in the extractive industries sector, as well as mobile application “Open Mining” development-in collaboration with the government (LAPOR)-for citizen complaint mechanism, particularly related to the environment and extractive industries.

To learn more about our work on the data driven initiative, check here.

Action 8: Transparency and Open Contracts in the Natural Resources Sector

Publish What You Pay Indonesia commits to continue working for transparency and accountability of extractives, energy and natural resources sectors in Indonesia and also globally. We will continue our collaborative work with the government, civil society and other key-stakeholders through multi-stakeholder groups (MSG) platform of EITI, policy reform in the parliament, as well as strategic work with anti-corruption commissions and other ministries/institutions in Indonesia.

Also as part of Publish What You Pay global movement and the OGP Openness in Natural Resources Working Group, we commit to keep working on the improvement of EITI models, mainstreaming beneficial ownership transparency in the EITI framework with the national policy roadmap, and piloting transparency on commodity trading of extractive’s resources through EITI platform.

Publish What You Pay Indonesia in collaboration with the Ministry of National Development Plan, and Transparency International Indonesia will share the experience on mainstreaming beneficial ownership transparency in the national policy roadmap. See our publication on beneficial ownership transparency and state revenue here.

Publish What You Pay Indonesia in collaboration with anti-corruption commission (KPK) will share experience on conducting Coordination and Supervision in the Energy Sector to improve transparency, integrity, and policy reform in the energy sectors (oil and gas, mining, electricity and renewable energy development).
