After the issuance of the Presidential Regulation no 13/2018 on Beneficial Ownership Transparency, Ministry of National Planning and Development conducted a coordination meeting which attended by ministries and government institutions also non-government organizations last (19/3). This coordination meeting was aimed to synchronized follow up from various stakeholders regarding beneficial ownership transparency, and discussed about the concrete actions that should be implemented soon.
Diani Sadiawati, the Expert Staff of Ministry of Planning and Development said that in implementing the beneficial ownership transparency, data integration among multi stakeholder is important, including the taxation, company data, and individual data. That’s why it is need to ensure the role for each institution and arrange the agenda for short, middle, and long term.
Putri Rahayu from Corruption Eradication Commission explained about study on gap analysis between Corporate Beneficial Ownership provision and the international standard. The recommendation from this studies is there should be a centralized administration system which govern and control the beneficial ownership data started from the entity establishment, entity registration database, and regulate the access and distribution of BO data.

“We recommend the short term action plan is the drafting of the technical regulation as the basis regulation for collecting the beneficial ownership data in ministry of law and human rights, also collecting the beneficial ownership data in extractive sector such as mining, forestry, and plantation,” added Putri.
Edi Tedjakusuma, Chief of EITI Indonesia secretariat said that the obligation to report the corporate beneficial ownership also will be implemented for EITI reporting company, which are consist around 70 oil and gas company, and 120 mining company. However, Edi affirmed that beside the obligation to declare the beneficial owner, it is need to do data validation and assurance for the data that has been declared by the corporate.
Responded to the data validation and assurance, Directorate General Administration Law said that their directorate has developed a General Administration Law Online System which has been synchronized with the BO presidential regulation. The registered corporate should declare their beneficial owner, and further the monitoring of the beneficial owner will be implemented through this system.
CSO representative from Transparency International Indonesia, Dadang Trisasongko, asked “do the beneficial ownership data is disclosed to public?” Because it is so important that beneficial ownership data is open to public, so the civil society and public also can monitoring the potency of conflict of interest in the business sector.
In line with that, Maryati Abdullah, National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay Indonesia affirmed the importance of beneficial ownership data disclosure. Regarding the anti-corruption regulation, tax and financial reform, Freedom of Information, also the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative, the beneficial ownership disclosure is inevitable. In extractive sector particularly, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has been issued the MEMR regulation no 48/2017 about the monitoring of energy and mineral resource business.