South Tangerang – On December 21, 2023, a Consultation Meeting of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiatives (EITI) Indonesia Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) Forum was held in South Tangerang with the agenda: mainstreaming extractive data portal, preparation for EITI validation in 2024 and proposed EITI work plan in 2024. MSG EITI Indonesia is a multi-stakeholder group that aims to encourage systematic data disclosure, which is available to the public, derived from valid sources, and valuable to support improvements in extractive sector governance referring to EITI standards at the global level. The meeting was attended by representatives of various parties, including representatives from the government, companies, and civil society. In particular, civil society representatives in the Indonesian EITI MSG who attended included Rocky Ramadani, Dwi Ariesanto, Yusnita Ike, and Fahmy Badoh.

Indonesia has just launched the Extractive Industries Data Portal, which contains strategic data and information on oil and gas and mineral and coal from the upstream side, ranging from regulations, licensing, exploration, production, sales, and state revenue to data related to revenue sharing funds to the regions as well as data on the contribution of extractive industry to the economy and the environment. This portal is expected to be a means for the public to improve public discussion and supervision related to the extractive sector and for the government to be a reference source in formulating policies (data-driven policy), especially in planning an equitable energy transition program. This data portal is Indonesia’s follow-up to the decision of the EITI Board, which approved Indonesia to start opening data on a partial mainstreaming basis issued at the end of last year.

The portal aims to integrate database to database and is still in the early stages of development. It is hoped that the portal will be sustainable and continue to be implemented. Although there are still shortcomings, all MSG EITI Indonesia members agree to submit the required data by the deadline that has been raised regarding the mainstreaming of portal data.

In preparation for Indonesia’s EITI Validation in January 2023, all MSG members agreed to review, correct, and fill in the validation template documents: Stakeholder Engagement, Outcome and Impact, and Transparency Template.

In particular, Yusnita Ike conveyed two essential topics. First, it is related to gender data and the impact of extractive industries on mining, the economy, and the area around the mine. This data can be used to map the role of women by number and position. The data is available on the portal, but the utilization still needs to be visible, as seen from the CSR program. Second, related to reclamation and post-mining, where the data should be disclosed as stipulated in Law 14/2008 on Public Information Disclosure.

Specifically, the meeting notes and materials of MSG EITI Indonesia can be seen at the following link:

Author: Aryanto Nugroho