In connection with the agenda of the OGP Steering Committee meeting at the global level-specifically the Criteria and Standards sub-committee, Maryati Abdullah, PWYP Indonesia’s National Coordinator who is also a member of the OGP Steering Committee, held a consultation meeting at the Ford Foundation office in Jakarta, 14 February 2014. Consultation which aims to get input and update the development of OGP is attended by various stakeholders (civil society organizations, government, and donors).

The results of the consultation were some inputs related to strengthening civil society participation space in the OGP, improvement of the independent reporting mechanism (IRM), a special approach for countries with a weak democratic environment and freedom of information, and efforts to encourage a spirit of openness, transparency and public participation through various multilateral agendas such as the 2015 Post MDGs, EITI and so on. At this meeting also obtained information updates from UKP4 (President’s Unit for Development Control and Monitoring) as a result of the Governance and Leadership sub-committee meeting that had taken place in Mexico 2 weeks earlier. A complete record of the results of this consultation can be accessed here.
