Indonesia in the Global Value Chain and G20 Cooperation: Increasing Roles to Implementing Sustainability Principles

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on the global economy. World economic growth even reached minus 3.9% (UNCTAD, 2021). The decline in…

Coal Production, Export and DMO Effectiveness Control in Encouraging the Energy Transition in Indonesia

Coal is one of the sources of energy and fossil fuels with a large proportion in the national energy mix, reaching 37% (ESDM, 2021). Although the Government has…

Beneficial Ownership Information Disclosure for Public

The discussion on Beneficial Ownership disclosure has attracted the interest of the government, financial institutions, banks, and corporations as well. The…

Beneficial Ownership Transparency for Trust and Tax Avoidance Loophole in Indonesia

Currently, Indonesia does not yet have adequate regulations regarding trusts. The weakness of this regulation is a legal loophole that taxpayers can exploit to…

Establishment of Petroleum Funds for Energy Independence and Security in Indonesia

The government’s ineffectiveness in overcoming the energy security crisis is mainly due to funding that relies heavily on the private sector. The government…

Acces to Public Information and Openess of Extractive Industry Contract / licenses in 6 Provinces in Indonesia

The contracting and licensing processes in the context of public service provision, infrastructure development and potential regional economic development are…

Opportunities and Challenges of Contract Transparancy in the Implementation of EITI Standards

The 2019 Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Rules produced at the global EITI conference in Paris, have produced new provisions regarding…

Legal Framework of Contract Disclosure of Oil and Gas, Mineral and Coal Sector in Indonesia

The contracts disclosure in various sectors in Indonesia often faces challenges due to regulations that are used as an excuse for refusing to open contracts /…

Contract Disclosure and Beneficial Ownership Transparency

Contracts Disclosure and beneficial ownership transparency are two transparency instruments of corporations that are very important in efforts to prevent…

Omnibus Law and Notes on Law Formulating Process in Mining Sector

President Jokowi in his first speech after appointed as President of Republic of Indonesia 2019-2024 conveyed that he would propose the issuance of 2 (two)…