The PWYP Indonesia national secretariat organized the PWYP Indonesia Capacity Building Program 2017 for 35 PWYP Indonesia coalition member organizations to increase the positive impact on society and help achieve the PWYP Indonesia coalition members’ vision and mission.

The capacity building program consists of: writing good program proposals so that organizational funding can be sustainable and the process of advocating for policies and assisted communities, and the use of various applications to support effective organizational campaigns.

Program options:

  1. Writing Program Proposals
  2. Policy Advocacy & Assisted Communities
  3. Organizational Financial Management Training
  4. Utilization of applications for civil society organizations
  5. Social media optimization for organizational campaigns
  6. Data visualization in the form of infographics, posters, and videos

Terms and Conditions:

  1. This capacity building program is only intended for members of the PWYP Indonesia coalition.
  2. The timing of this program is flexible. Participants can adjust the timing accordingly with the PWYP National Secretariat team.
  3. Member organizations can appoint 1-2 representatives to participate in this capacity building program.
  4. This capacity-building program can be done through in-person meetings or online discussions.

Stages of Following the Program:

  1. Register your organization on the following registration form:
  2. Each organization can choose more than one program to be followed.
  3. After filling in the registration form, please communicate with the PWYP National Secretariat to arrange class schedules (office hours 09.00-17.00 WIB) by sending an email to or CP: Asri (081354723226).
