According to the evaluation official report of offering letter on 10 April 2021, with this letter we are announcing :
Vendors Name : Ibox Casablanca (PT Data Citra Mandiri)
Offering Price : IDR 25.099.000,- (Macbook Pro M1) & IDR 21.799.000,- (Macbook Air M1)
Corrected Price : IDR 24.499.000,-(Macbook Pro M1) & IDR 20.999.000,- (Macbook Air M1)
Vendors Name : IT Galleri (PT. Sumbermulia Hasilguna)
Offering Price. : IDR 15.999.000,- (Windows i7 Core-MSI Modem15, A11SB-070ID)
Corrected Price. : IDR. 15.999.000,-
Thus we convey, thank you for your kind attention and cooperation.
Jakarta, April 14 2021
Procurements Team