Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Economic Researcher, Wiko Saputra, assessed that the government was too optimistic when submitting financial notes containing the assumptions for the 2016 State Budget (RAPBN) Draft in the representative council Plenary Session, 14 August.
In the 2016 Draft State Budget, the government has set a target for oil lifting of 800 thousand barrels per day up to 830 thousand barrels per day, natural gas efficiency of 1.155 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, and a crude oil price of USD60 per barrel.
According to Wiko, the government must be able to achieve this target. This is because the government has included the target in the 2016 Draft State Budget. In reality, it will be difficult to achieve the target, considering that the realization of oil and gas lifting has continued to decline.
“It will be difficult if you see the realization of oil and gas lifting which continues to decline as it has not reached the target in the last five years,” said Wiko, when interviewed at the Bumbu Desa Restaurant, Jalan Cikin Raya, Jakarta, Wednesday (19/8/2015).
Wiko explained, by reflecting on the achievements of the 2015 APBN-P, until the first semester of 2015, the Indonesian economy only grew 4.7 percent which indicated a slowdown. If the government sets targets that are too high and does not adjust to the current economic situation and conditions, it is feared that the government will not be able to achieve the development targets.
According to him, this could happen because the uncertain economic situation and conditions have its own influence on Indonesia’s macroeconomic indicators, which are contained in the 2016 Draft State Budget. Government calculations of the 2016 RAPBN could be disrupted, such as energy subsidies and other expenditures related to public interests.
“The government’s optimism in 2016 is valid. However, if the target that is set is too high, it is feared that it will become a blunder for achieving development targets, “concluded Wiko.
Source: http://ekonomi.metrotvnews.com/read/2015/08/19/422696/rapbn-2016-pemerintah-dinilai-terlalu-optimistis