Graphic Recording: Regional Convening of CSOs on Just Energy Transition (Day 2)

???? Join us at the South East Asia Collaborative Convening of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on Just Energy Transition (JET) ???? In Southeast Asia, civil society movements…

SEA’s Just Energy Transition: A Call for a Fast, Democratic, Empowering, and Equitable Energy Transition in the Region

The Southeast Asia (SEA) region as one of the fastest growing economies, being the 3rd largest in Asia and the 5th in the world, is projected to triple its energy demand by…

Regional Convening of Civil Society Organizations for a Just Energy Transition: “Mainstreaming GEDSI in a Just Energy Transition in ASEAN”

Jakarta - The first day of the series of Regional Meetings of Civil Society Organizations for a Just Energy Transition closed with a discussion entitled "Mainstreaming GEDSI in a…

ASEAN Disability Forum (ADF) to Invite ACCEPT II and BRIN on Designing Program Activities Related to Climate Change for People with Disabilities in ASEAN

ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT II) has participated in a discussion to set up program activities related to climate change for people with disabilities…

Graphic Recording: Regional Convening of CSOs on Just Energy Transition (Day 1)

???? Join us at the South East Asia Collaborative Convening of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on Just Energy Transition (JET) ???? In Southeast Asia, civil society movements…

Regional Meeting of Civil Society Organizations for a Just Energy Transition: “Climate and Energy Finance in ASEAN”

Jakarta - The second session of the first day in the series of Regional Meetings of Civil Society Organizations for a Just Energy Transition presented a public dialogue entitled…

Regional Meeting of Civil Society Organizations for a Just Energy Transition: “ASEAN Energy Landscape”

Jakarta - Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, supported by Oxfam in Indonesia, organized a regional meeting of civil society organizations for Southeast Asia on the fair energy…

ADB Unveils Important Role of Financial Sector in Preventing Climate Change in Indonesia, Jakarta The Asian Development Bank (ADB) again reminded Indonesia's financial sector to continue contributing to efforts to prevent climate change. Senior Financial…

Momentum for ASEAN Summit 2023: Commitment to Accelerate Energy Transition Implementation

KBR, Jakarta - The 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023 will be held in Jakarta on September 5-7, 2023. This event presents ASEAN state leaders but also several leaders of partner countries,…

ASEAN Could Lose 37.4 Percent of GDP by 2048 If Climate Change Mitigation is Not Implemented, Jakarta - Indonesia will hold the 43rd ASEAN 2023 Summit on September 5-7, 2023. One of the results of the agreement that the community is waiting for from this…