Jakarta – The 5th Priority Agenda (AP-5) of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia is Strengthening the Governance of the National Secretariat and Coalition Network, one of whose mandates is to strengthen aspects of management and financial strategies that are more transparent and accountable. Referring to this, PWYP Indonesia held the XII series of financial training with the theme of Fixed Asset Management for Non-Profit Organizations. This training theme was taken at the same time as the year-end financial book closing process.

The training, which was held online on November 15, 2022, presented Sri Sudarsih from SWANAGATA as a Trainer with Co-Trainer Hadi Prayitno. Present as training participants were members of the PWYP Indonesia coalition, namely GeRAK Aceh, IPC, ICEL, INFEST, IESR, LPAD Riau, LePMIL, GEMAWAN, LSBH NTB, MaTA, IDEA, PADI Indonesia, PATTIRO, PATTIRO Banten, SOMASI NTB, Swandiri Institute, WALHI NTB, Yayasan AKAR Bengkulu, and YASMIB Sulawesi. This training aims to provide knowledge related to the theory of fixed assets in the finance for non-profit organizations, increase the knowledge and understanding of coalition members related to the basic provisions and processes of a fixed asset management system in the organization and implement good fixed asset management in their respective organizations.

The subject matter of this training covers the acquisition and recording, use and distribution, maintenance and improvement of assets, and asset write-offs. Acquisition and recording of fixed assets are carried out in four stages starting from planning, purchasing goods, and acquiring grants of goods, using sources of funds for asset acquisition such as own funds or projects; and recording, use, maintaining, and write-off of assets.

The purchase of goods is closely related to the procurement SOP or financial SOP of the procurement section. The criteria for goods purchased are recognized as fixed assets such as relatively permanent goods and a useful life of more than one year, tangible or intangible goods, use for office operations, and material acquisition prices based on organizational policies. Depreciation of fixed assets is necessary in order to know the value that is feasible for asset regeneration when the useful life has ended. Conditions that determine the decline in fixed assets such as easy damage, use, and others. The cost of maintaining fixed assets will add to the value of fixed assets in the current period (capitalization). The last material discussed was the write-off of fixed assets, which requires a Minutes of Write-off of Fixed Assets approved by the Director and Management.

In addition to the material sessions discussed in this training, participants were divided into breakout rooms. This is intended for working on case studies that will be done in groups. Each group was accompanied by a co-facilitator to work on the questions. Hadi Prayitno was also present in each group to monitor the progress of the case studies. After the case studies were completed by the participants, each group represented by one person would discuss the answers to the cases given.

This training went smoothly and received enthusiasm from the participants. Taufik Rahmat from PATTIRO Serang Banten as a participant said, “I just joined PATTIRO Serang, new things for me about this material, it is very extraordinary to discuss how to manage financial assets and so on, I hope there will be more training like this so that managing assets is more organized, orderly, and efficient”

“This activity is enlightening, especially in asset management, then we cannot be separated from funding partners who have standards too, so we must be good at concocting. This format (fixed asset management) is the main reference as well as the institution’s SOP and can also be submitted to donors. Great and cool for this training,” said Persada from LPAD Riau.

Meliana Lumbantoruan as Program Manager hopes that after this training, the knowledge that has been obtained will be applied properly in the institutions of each coalition member. Evaluation for one year running will be carried out by PWYP Indonesia, considering that many training and coaching clinics have been held.

Writer: Syabilla Rachma & Raudatul Jannah
Reviewer: Meliana Lumbantoruan
