
The National General Assembly (RUA) is the highest decision-making forum in the Indonesian Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Coalition. The RUA of the Indonesian PWYP Coalition has taken place for 4 (Four) times, which was held in 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2020

With the end of the 2020-2024 management period, we are preparing the 5th RUA in 2024 with the agenda of electing and appointing the National Coordinator and Steering Board Members, discussing and determining the Outline of the Work Direction (GBHK) of the PWYP Indonesia coalition for the 2024-2028 period, and conducting the Energy and Natural Resources Sector Governance Conference.

We invite all stakeholders to participate in the Road to The 5th PWYP Indonesia’s National General Assembly 2024.


Management Period 2024 - 2028

Registration of Candidates for National Coordinator and Board Members of the Publish What You Pay Indonesia Coalition

Read AnnoucementOpen Form

National Coordinator

The National Coordinator is the individual who leads the PWYP Indonesia National Secretariat and is elected and appointed through the PWYP Indonesia General Meeting of Members.

The term of office of the National Coordinator is for one management period (4 years) and can be re-elected only for the next management period.

  • To communicate and interact with PWYP Indonesia Members, the global PWYP network, and other civil society organizations in Indonesia and outside Indonesia;
  • Provide support and facilitate PWYP Indonesia Members as long as it is in line with PWYP Indonesia’s vision and mission, GBHK, and Work Plan;
  • Collecting, managing, and disseminating data and information on knowledge products and activities of PWYP Indonesia Members;
  • Cooperate, coordinate, and synergize in policy advocacy at the national level and facilitate advocacy at the regional level carried out by PWYP Indonesia Members;
  • Conduct capacity building of PWYP Indonesia Members;
  • Organizing the administration of membership, Board, and organizational activities;
  • Prepare and propose the Work Plan annual Budget and Expenditure Plan of the organization;
  • Seeking sources of funding to implement the decisions of the RUA and the organization’s annual Work Plan; and
  • Carry out other tasks assigned by the Board Members.

  • Carry out the Work Plan annual Budget and Expenditure Plan that the Board Members have approved;
  • Conducting fair distribution of programs or activities to PWYP Indonesia Members by considering the needs of PWYP Indonesia Members and organizational capabilities;
  • Appoint Secretariat and program staff as needed after obtaining consideration from the Board Members;
  • Request information and documentation from PWYP Indonesia members;
  • Representing PWYP Indonesia in forums at local, national, and international levels;
  • Wear PWYP Indonesia’s symbols and work tools;
  • On behalf of and representing PWYP Indonesia for fundraising, conflict resolution, mediation, lobbying, advocacy, and campaigning to carry out the mandate as national coordinator;
  • On behalf of and represent PWYP Indonesia in agreements and engagements with other parties and act before the court;
  • Discussing, supervising, evaluating, and giving consideration to the running of the fundraising units of the National Secretariat and PWYP Indonesia Members as long as they are facilitated by the National Secretariat, together with the Board Members.


Board Member

The Board Members are several individuals who represent and are supported in writing by a minimum of four PWYP Indonesia Members to be democratically elected at the RUA (National General Assembly).

The term of office of the Governing Board is for one management period (4 years) and can be re-elected for only one subsequent management period.

The Governing Board consists of 7 (seven) people who reflect regional and gender representation. (Gender representation as referred to is a minimum of 30% women out of 7 (seven) people.

  • A Chairman who is concurrently a member;
  • A Secretary who is concurrently a member; and
  • Members.

  • Organizing RUA and RUAI together with the National Coordinator;
  • Overseeing the implementation of RUA and RUAI results;
  • Verifying the acceptance and dismissal of membership;
  • Supervise the implementation of the Secretariat’s routine activities carried out by the National Coordinator;
  • Report the results of its work in writing to the RUA;
  • Submitting the results of its supervision to members at least once every six months;
  • Discussing and evaluating the performance of fundraising units both implemented by National Secretariat and PWYP Indonesia Members as long as facilitated by National Secretariat; and
  • Facilitate information requests, objections, or disputes between PWYP Indonesia Members and the National Coordinator, National Secretariat, and/or members of the Board.

  • Approve and determine the Work Plan and annual Budget and Expenditure Plan submitted by the National Coordinator;
  • Request clarifications relating to the distribution of information and knowledge from the National Coordinator and members;
  • Establish the organization’s Standard Operating Procedures;
  • Evaluate the results of financial and performance audits of the National Secretariat;
  • Discussing, supervising, evaluating, and giving consideration to the operation of the National Secretariat’s fundraising unit and PWYP Indonesia members as long as it is facilitated by the National Secretariat, together with the National Coordinator;
  • Appoint and determine the Acting National Coordinator in the event of an interim replacement.