The Justice Tax Forum consists several NGOs which are the Association of Initiatives, National Secretariat of PWYP Indonesia, ASPPUK, The Habibie Center, ICW (Indonesia Corruption Watch), IGJ (Indonesia for Global Justice), IHCS (Indonesian Human Rights Committee for Social Justice), ILR (Indonesian Legal Roundtable ), P3M (Pesantren and Community Development Association), YAPPIKA and YLKI (Indonesian Consumer Service Foundation) held a Press Conference “Corruption Eradication Corruption Don’t Just Stop At “HP”,
Investigate Alleged Taxation Crimes by Banking Corporations!”; Jakarta, 25 April 2014; This press conference responds to the determination of Hadi Poernomo (HP) as a suspect in a corruption case by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) allegedly violating the Corruption Eradication Act Article 2 Paragraph 1 and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to the Article one to the first criminal code (KUHP). This indictment was imposed when HP work at Directorate General of Tax (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance for the period of 2002-2004 over its decision to grant PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (“BCA”) tax objections on 1999 tax payments which according to the state’s KPK were Rp. 375 billion.
On this occasion, the Justice Tax Forum urged that (1) the KPK should not just stop at HP because it did not rule out there were officials at the other director general of tax involved. (2) KPK must immediately develop this case against the possibility of taxation crimes committed by PT BCA Tbk and other banking corporations; (3) KPK can push this case in a broader direction targeting other banks that receive BLBI assistance. (4) KPK makes corruption in the tax sector one of the priorities in handling corruption (5) The government must carry out institutional reform in the taxation sector.