2 December 2020
Environmental Focal Point [Closed]
Publish What You Pay Indonesia (PWYP Indonesia) is a civil society coalition for transparency and accountability of resource governance, including oil and gas, mining and other…
5 November 2020
Communication Intern [Closed]
PWYP INDONESIA INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Civil Society Coalition Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia is looking for youth and fresh graduates to join us for promoting sustainable…
9 July 2020
PWYP Internship 2020 [Closed]
PWYP INDONESIA INTERNSHIP PROGRAM 2020 PWYP INDONESIA A national secretariat of NGO Coalition is looking for youth and fresh graduates to join us on promoting sustainable…
5 February 2020
Finance and Administration Assistant – [Closed]
24 January 2020
GIS Specialist – [Closed]
Publish What You Pay Indonesia (PWYP Indonesia) merupakan koalisi masyarakat sipil untuk transparansi dan akuntabilitas tata kelola sumber daya ekstraktif migas, pertambangan dan…
14 February 2017
Call for Proposals: Short Film Production
Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia is a coalition of NGOs that pays attention to transparency, accountability and improvement of governance in extractive industries and natural…
6 April 2015
Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia-koalisi masyarakat sipil untuk transparansi dan akuntabilitas tata kelola sumber daya ekstraktif, memiliki visi bagi terwujudnya tata kelola…
24 March 2015
STRATEGIC PLAN Publish What You Pay Indonesia 2012 – 2015
View From Sildeshare: http://www.slideshare.net/pwypindonesia/rencana-strategis-publish-what-you-pay-indonesia-2012-2015